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 Masters Dissertation 

Role: Sole Developer

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

Year: 2023 (Work in progress)

This is my masters dissertation entitled "Taming the white rabbit: Balancing guidance in non-linear level design". 

This project is based around studying the established level design methods of player guidance, challenging them and studying how players see, feel and react to them in, all within the context of a non-linear prison escape level. 

As of writing the project is in progress (Week 7), with the majority of design and implementation finished. My next goal is to script, polish and finalise the level prior to player testing and gathering of play data.

Role: Sole Developer

Engine: Unreal Engine 5

Year: 2023 (Work in progress)

This is my masters dissertation entitled "Taming the white rabbit: Balancing guidance in non-linear level design". 

This project is based around studying the established level design methods of player guidance, challenging them and studying how players see, feel and react to them in, all within the context of a non-linear prison escape level. 

As of writing the project is in progress (Week 7), with the majority of design and implementation finished. My next goal is to script, polish and finalise the level prior to player testing and gathering of play data.

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